Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pre-Register Now For UF Teaching Center Workshops for Teaching Assistants!

The Teaching Center conducts several workshops each semester which are designed to help new teaching assistants improve their teaching. Workshops begin Thursday of this week with “Technology for Teaching in UF Classrooms” from 10am-noon in TUR L005. This session will introduce you to the equipment in UF classrooms. On Friday, we will have an “Introduction to Sakai” in the morning and an “Introduction to Canvas” in the afternoon. (Both are online course management systems.) You may attend the Thursday session in TUR L005 without registration because there is plenty of space for you, but YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR EITHER OF THE TWO FRIDAY SESSIONS IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND because there are only 20 computers and we must set up an account for you before the workshop. You may register for these and any other workshops that interest you at under "TA Development" and then “Workshop Series.” For further information call 392-2010.