Off-Highway Vehicle Design
Section 26663 (only) of EML 4930
MWF 8th (3:00-3:50) Weil 234
This course will use the example of agricultural tractor design to illustrate applied mechanical machine design. Prof. Karl Renius, a retired ME professor from the Technical University of Munich and unquestionably the world’s top expert on tractor design, has used his retirement to write the definitive book on tractor design and Springer has just published it. We will cover the book in this class.
Textbook: Students must buy a hardcopy (open book exams demand no e-book) of Karl Th.
Grading: Homework 10%
Exams 3 @ 30% each. Two in-semester, 1 at Registrar’s final exam time
Renius, 2020. Fundamentals of Tractor Design. Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-32803-0
Topics (Textbook Chapters):
1. Mission, history, trends, markets, and costs
2. Tractor mechanics
3. Chassis design
4. Diesel engines
5. Tractor transmissions
6. Tractor workplace
7. Tractor and implement
8. Tractor tests
Instructor: John K. Schueller (
Topics (Textbook Chapters):
1. Mission, history, trends, markets, and costs
2. Tractor mechanics
3. Chassis design
4. Diesel engines
5. Tractor transmissions
6. Tractor workplace
7. Tractor and implement
8. Tractor tests
Instructor: John K. Schueller (
Grading: Homework 10%
Exams 3 @ 30% each. Two in-semester, 1 at Registrar’s final exam time
Please note:
- This course has never been taught before and may be modified as the semester proceeds. But I anticipate closely following the textbook.
- The classroom has limited seating. If you are really interested, I suggest you enroll soon. If not really interested, don’t enroll so others can take it.
- EGM 3520 Mechanics of Materials should be a prerequisite.