Wednesday, May 27, 2020

C3 Open House: Meet the C3 Liaison to CALS – Sammie Walker Herrera

Tuesday, June 2 | 11 a.m. | Register @

OR Wednesday, June 3 3PM | Register @

Sammie Walker Herrera is the new embedded liaison from the Career Connections Center (C3), replacing Corey Graf who left the CCC and CALS for a new role in November. She started at UF in March and has diligently been making her way through trainings since that time. Now, she’s ready to meet with students and wants to get to know our faculty and staff. Since she can’t meet you in person right now, she’s made arrangements to host a virtual open house so you can pop in and welcome her to CALS.

As an icebreaker, Sammie asks you to bring something that represents you or your time in CALS.

Sammie comes to UF from Washington & Jefferson College where she worked in diversity and leadership initiatives. You can contact Sammie at