Friday, June 26, 2015

Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom seminar July 7 @ 1:30pm G001 MCCD

Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom
Director of AgWeatherNet and Professor of Agrometeorology
Washington State University 

Tuesday, July 7 @ 1:30pm in G001 McCarty D
Crop Modeling: A Tool for Improving Food Systems under a Changing Climate
During the past 10 years crop simulation models have become an integral part of agricultural systems research, outreach, and education. Crop models have been used for many different applications, ranging from gene-based modeling to climate change impact and adaptation studies. When integrated with decision support systems, the socio-economic components are also very important. In this presentation I will use examples from the AgWeatherNet Program in the state of Washington and the international crop modeling platform the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). I will also discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of these models and recommendations for improving this technology. Together, the advances in computer technology and the increased interest by industry, funding agencies, and donors provide new opportunities for crop modeling to address the challenges of food systems to feed the globe in 2050 and beyond.
Dr. Hoogenboom has over 25 years of experience in research, education and outreach in agricultural and environmental engineering. He has specialized in the development and application of crop simulation models and decision support systems and he currently coordinates the development of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT), one of the most widely used crop modeling systems across the world. He frequently organizes and facilitates international training workshops on crop modeling and decision support systems. He has published over 280 scientific papers in refereed journals as well as numerous book chapters and proceedings (h-index 47; i10-index 196; Google Scholar). He is an Editor for Agricultural Systems, Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge), Climate Research, the Brazilian Journal of Agrometeorology, and Scientia Agricola.

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