Tuesday, November 28, 2017

AWRA Potluck Meeting 12/5/17; Southwest Florida Water Resources Conference 2/2/18

UF AWRA Potluck Meeting w/Wetlands Club, 12/5/17 @ 6pm

Following our recent tradition, our last meeting of the semester will be held in conjunction with the Wetlands Club. Our speaker will be Dr. AJ Reisinger, a recent hire in SWS who deals with water quality and ecological problems in urban settings (see attached flyer). The meeting will be held in our normal room (Rogers 122) at our normal time (6pm). The meeting is a potluck, so feel free to bring a dish/drink to share. If you're too busy with tests to worry about cooking, then come enjoy the free food!

SW FL Water Resources Conference, Ft. Myers, 2/2/18

I know this seems like a long way off, but bear with me. A major part of this annual conference is the student poster competition, after which substantial cash prizes are awarded to the top presenters ($400/300/200). UF presenters have historically fared very well, and we need to keep it up! Abstracts are due by 12/15. You can absolutely recycle an old poster if you are happy with it. Anyone who plans to attend the conference (particularly those who are presenting) should notify me so I can arrange for reimbursement of travel expenses. More info about the conference in general can be found here: http://awraflorida.com/event-2635792