Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Raisin Cane Tour of US Sugar: Free Lunch, Free Ride, and a Really Interesting Tour!

The SWFREC Graduate Student Organization (GSO) is inviting you to attend the Raisin Cane Tour provided by U.S. Sugar and the Clewiston Chamber of Commerce! This is a great opportunity to get out and see how one of Florida's largest agricultural industries plants, harvests, and processes the very sugar you buy at the grocery store. Having already had the opportunity to attend, some of our SWFREC grad students can say that the tour is valuable and educational, but it would be even better with experts like you asking questions along the way.

What: The Raisin Cane Tour is an informative tour of Florida’s historical agricultural town of Clewiston, including the Clewiston Historical Museum, Southern Gardens Citrus, US Sugar Corp and their state of the art facilities, the Herbert Hoover Dike and other sites unique to the area. This experience will show you how sugarcane, sweet corn and oranges are grown, harvested, and processed. While on the tour, we will view the latest in sustainable farming techniques as well as journey to the Clewiston sugar mill, sugar refinery and citrus juice plant.

When: Wednesday, January 17, 2018. The time is TBD, but plan for most of the work day (8:30 am - 4:30 pm). Lunch and transportation will be provided during the tour. More details to follow.

Cost: The tour is free for students

Register: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-KBNDTFKdk2s5gpiMx4bhCqPySMKgcdJvb1NKSa5poZURFg4OVRQN0FUR1RRMEVYVjBHNUJaRlA2RS4u

While the date is a while away, we need to start getting a head-count so that we can be sure to have enough students to take the tour. We have to have at least 30 people registered but no more than 50. If you would please take a moment to fill out the form to secure your spot. Space will fill up quickly!
