Monday, April 8, 2019

Science: Unsilenced-Events to focus on Free Speech and Censorship in the Sciences

You're invited to join a series of campus events scheduled for the week of April 15 called Science: Unsilenced, devoted to expanding conversations about the First Amendment beyond the usual departments where free speech issues are taught and debated, to the sciences where professionals are increasingly confronted with them. We plan several showings of the film Let Science Speak before our Q&A with the filmmaker on Wednesday, and I want to particularly invite students in the sciences to our censored science panel on Tuesday, April 16, at 6 p.m. in Pugh Hall, moderated by UF climate scientist Andrea Dutton and featuring retired DEP wetlands scientist Connie Bersok, Interior Department whistleblower Joel Clement and CJC Brechner Center director Frank LoMonte, who can help answer legal questions for scientists and students. Please find the full schedule below and our website here: