Wednesday, October 28, 2015

UF SMARTS Deadlines Approaching!

The UF chapter of the ACS POLY/PMSE student organization is pleased to announce the inaugural UF Soft Matter Applied Research and Technology Symposium, or UF SMARTS. This symposium was created with the intention for graduate students from related departments (e.g., chemistry, materials, and engineering) to showcase their own research to a diverse audience, as well as to learn more about other research similar to their own going on here at UF. The symposium will consist of approximately 20 student talks (12 minutes each) and a poster session. In addition, we will have keynote talks from the following UF faculty members:

Dr. Thomas Angelini (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)

Dr. Jennifer Andrew (Materials Science and Engineering)

Dr. Brent Sumerlin (Chemistry)

UF SMARTS will be held on Tuesday, December 1st at the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom (Salon A) from 8:30a to 5:00p.

We encourage anyone who is interested to submit and abstract for an oral or poster presentation. This is a unique opportunity to show off your own work while also being exposed to research from other departments across campus of which you may not have been previously aware and registration is free!

Abstract Submission Dates:
Nov. 1st for talks
Nov. 8th for posters (Student registration)